Basic Principles
- We strive to maintain a shame-free, non-judgmental environment for/with our participants and clients.
- As a general rule, we do not initiate the direction of a participant’s work; we allow them to choose where they want to go.
- When working with groups, we always facilitate with a partner. In mixed gender groups, this partnership must consist of a man and a woman.
- As a general rule, we do not role-play a support person for a participant, in order to keep our function as facilitator from being seen as a real support person by the participant.
- We work in accordance with our own competence and the participant’s needs.
Limitations of Our Work
- We will not work with a participant who is considering suicide. We would refer them to professional help instead.
- As a general rule, we will not work with a participant or client who is actively alcoholic or seriously drug-addicted. We recommend they get “clean” first.
- We acknowledge that we are not trained as sex or trauma therapists so we may well, as appropriate, recommend participants to suitable professionals in these fields.
Professional Standards
- We agree to recertify every two years.
- We agree to keep doing our own personal work, which includes undergoing a personal process, facilitated by certified shadow work facilitators/coaches, at least every two years as part of our certification maintenance.
- It is highly recommended having an active practice of being facilitated on a regular basis. This supports us in staying in touch with the experience of being facilitated and in being aware of what does and does not work as well as helping us to manage our own shadow/emotional issues.
- It is recommended that we work with an accredited external supervisor and also to have regular supervision conversations as agreed on an individual basis with our shadow work mentor.
- In the unlikely event that we receive criticism or complaint for any form of malpractice by a group participant or individual client, we agree to consult the shadow work mentors and/or trainers and to abide by whatever form of disciplinary action they consider appropriate.
- We agree to be covered by adequate insurance as appropriate in each country.
Relationships with Clients
- We will not use the relationship with the client or participant to our own advantage or benefit beyond the provision of the services we agree to provide.
- We respect the right of a client to terminate the relationship at any point.
- We are committed to maintaining consciousness of the power differential in the relationship between participant/client and facilitator/coach and an awareness of the bonding patterns that may arise between us. We are willing to take responsibility for our participation in this dynamic.
- We agree not to start a new romantic or sexual relationship with a client – or even discuss a romantic or sexual relationship – for a minimum of six months after we have completed the sessions. If, after this time, we do want to start a relationship with a participant or client, we will first discuss this with another certified shadow work practitioner and, if appropriate, a supervisor.
· We agree to maintain confidentiality around a client’s identity, issues, and work. - We may disclose confidential information without consent, if statute or law requires disclosure or if we believe it to be essential to prevent a crime or harm to another individual.
- In cases where disclosure is considered appropriate, we will inform the client/participant and disclose only such information as is relevant.
Relationship with Colleagues
- We are committed to dealing with any of our own interpersonal issues as and when they arise in respect of our dealings and relationships with colleagues.
- We will respect the client’s former facilitators and agree not to undermine a client’s trust in the work they have undertaken with any other shadow work practitioner.
- We will maintain transparent and clear professional relationships within the shadow work community.
Referenced from Shadow Work EU:
Certifiied Shadow work practitoners engage in ongoing supervision of their work, thereby upholding the professional and ethical
standards that make this group of people the gold standard in Shadow Work.