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A journey within: discover, grow and heal through Shadow Work®

A Deep Dive into Transformation through Shadow Integration

service 1

Shadow Work®

The origins of Shadow Work®, the use of Archetypes and the importance of the work.

service 2

Group Retreats

An experiential and intimate group faciltated Shadow Work® experience in a luxury retreat setting

service 3

1 to 1 Sessions

A personal exploration providing dedicated time to unravel your unique internal dynamics, patterns, and obstacles that shape your life

"Mind, body, spirt and The Shadow" Ken Wilber


An exploration of the unconscious mind to uncover and integrate disowned aspects of the self, facilitating holistic personal development and psychological growth

The power of the group


Within the intimacy of a small, supportive group, participants embark on a transformative journey together. The luxury setting provides a serene and comfortable environment, enhancing the depth and effectiveness of the experience

A personal deep dive


A deep dive into shadow work in a one-to-one session offers unparalleled personal attention, allowing for a private and focused exploration of the self. This intimate setting provides the time and space to delve deeply into personal narratives, uncover hidden aspects of the self, and engage with the innermost layers of one's being. It's an opportunity to explore more profoundly, guided by tailored support and undivided attention

Sascha Michel

Certified Shadow Work® Group Facilitator and 1to1 Coach

Shadow work is a journey into the deepest realms of self, where healing can be profound, but also safe and self-directed...

Shadow Work empowers individuals with agency, unlocking doors to long-lasting transformation and true understanding of one’s inner world.

I am committed to fostering deep, integrative emotional work, and I believe in the transformative power of shadow work to shift long-held patterns and release pain, paving the way for lasting healing and personal growth

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